Find out the anniversaries of which writers and poets we will celebrate in 2022 and what interesting works were presented to the world by domestic and foreign writers of the anniversary. We have compiled for you a complete list of poets and prose writers that you should definitely remember in 2022.
At the very beginning of 2022, such world-famous writers of the anniversary will have round dates:
- January 1 - (95 years old) to Lev Ivanovich Davydychev (1927-1988). Works: "Lelishna from the third entrance", "My friend a sparrow", "Suffering of the second year Ivan Semyonov".
- January 2 - (85 years old) Marietta Omarovna Chudakova (b. 1937). Works: "Cases and Horrors of Zhenya Osinkina", "Not for Adults: Time to Read!"
- January 3 - (130 years old) to John Ronald Ruel Tolkien (1892-1973). Works: "The Lord of the Rings", "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again."
- January 5 - (90 years old) Umberto ECO (1932-2016). Works: "The Name of the Rose", "Foucault's Pendulum", "The Island on the Eve", "Baudolino", "Prague Cemetery", "Number Zero".
- January 13 - (145 years old) to Ivan Alekseevich Novikov (1877-1959). Works: "Between two dawns", "Pushkin in exile".
- January 15 - (400 years) to Jean Baptiste Moliere (1622-1673). Works: "Tartuffe, or the Deceiver", "Don Juan, or the Stone Feast", "Bourgeois in the Nobility."
- January 16 - (155 years old) Vikenty Vikentyevich Veresaev (1867-1945). Works: "Gogol in Life", "Notes of a Doctor", "Pushkin in Life".
- January 18 - (140 years old) to Alan Alexander Milne (1882-1956). Works: "The Ballad of the Royal Sandwich", "Winnie the Pooh and Everything, Everything, Everything", "House on Pooh Corner", "Christopher Robin and Everything, Everything, Everything: When We Were Little".
- January 18 - (75 years old) Takeshi Kitano (1947). Works: "Boy", "Kikujiro and Saki", "Come on, Takeshi", "Boy from Asakusa".
- January 21 - (100 years old) to Yuri Davidovich Levitansky (1922-1996). Collections of poems: "Memories of Red Snow", "Plot with Variants", "White Poems".
- January 24 - (290 years old) Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais (1732-1799). Works: "Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro", "The Barber of Seville, or Vain Precaution."
- January 24 - (110 years old) Savva Artemyevich Dangulov (1912-1989). Works: "Diplomats", "Matins in Rapallo", "Kuznetsky Most".
- January 25 - (110 years old) Virginia Woolf (1882-1941). Works: "Mrs. Dalloway", "Orlando", "Outward Journey", "Waves".
- January 27 - (190 years old) Lewis Carroll (1832-1898). Works: "Alice Through the Looking Glass", "Alice in Wonderland", "A Story with Knots: Mathematical Puzzles and Fun".
- January 27 - (90 years old) Rimma Fedorovna Kazakova (1932-2008). Collections of poems: "Love", "Touchstone", "Country Love".
- January 27 - (125 years old) Valentin Petrovich Kataev (1897-1986). Works: "A lonely sail gleams", "The son of the regiment", "Seven-flower flower".
In February 2022 such world famous writers will celebrate anniversaries:
- February 2 - (140 years old) to James Joyce (1882-1941). Works: "Portrait of the Artist in his Youth", "Ulysses", "Finnegans Wake".
- February 4 - (115 years old) Dmitry Borisovich Kedrin (1907-1945). Collections of poems: "Witnesses", "Nightingale decoy". The play "Rembrandt".
- February 5 - (90 years old) Joseph Henry A. Delaney (1932-1999). Works: science fiction novels "New untouchables", stories "Leap of thought", "Court of Equals".
- February 7 - (210 years old) to Charles Dickens (1812-1870). Novels: Great Expectations, A Young England Story, The Adventures of Oliver Twist.
- February 7 - (155 years old) Laura Ingles Wilder (1867-1957). Works - a series of books for children "Little House on the Prairie".
- February 14 - (75 years old) Boris Gedalyevich Stern (1947-1998). Collections: "The Adventures of Inspector Bel Amoor", "Tales of the Serpent Gorynych", "Fish of Love"; story "Santa Claus".
- February 17 - (110 years old) to André Norton (1912-2005). Works: "Stargate", "Sargasso in the Sea", "Silver Snowflake".
- February 20 - (170 years old) to Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky (1852-1906). Works: "Childhood Themes", "Gymnasium Students", "Students", "Engineers".
- February 20 - (110 years old) Pierre Boule (François Marie Louis) (1912-1994). Science fiction novel "Planet of the Apes".
- February 22 - (55 years old) Ekaterina Vadimovna Murashova (1962). Novels "Correction Class", "Anxiety Guard", "Angelica and Kai" trilogy.
- February 22 - (115 years old) Bohumil Rihy (1907-1987). Novels "Rin's Wild Horse", "Gonzik's Trip to the Village", "Change of Captains".
- February 24 - (130 years old) Konstantin Alexandrovich Fedin (1892-1977). Works: "Cities and Years", "An Unusual Summer".
- February 25 - (315 years old) Carlo Goldoni (1707-1793). Works: "Lovers", "Servant of Two Masters", "Innkeeper".
- February 25 - (age 315) to Anthony Burgess (1917-1993). Works: the novel "A Clockwork Orange", the story "The Long Way to Tea".
- February 25 - (200 years old) to Lev Alexandrovich May (1822-1862). Known for translations of works by Schiller, Heine, Beranger, Byron, Mickiewicz, Anacreon, Shevchenko. He wrote dramas in verse "The Tsar's Bride", "The Woman of Pskov" and "Servilia".
- February 25 - (180 years old) writer Karl Friedrich May (1842-1912). Works: "White Brother Winnetu", "Faithful Hand", "Treasures of the Silver Lake".
- February 26 - (220 years old) Victor Marie Hugo (1802-1885). Works: Les Miserables, Notre Dame Cathedral, The Man Who Laughs.
- February 27 - (age 215) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882). Work: "Song of Hiawatha".
- February 27 - (120 years old) John Steinbeck (1902-1968). Novels: "Grapes of Wrath", "East of Paradise", "About Mice and People", "Winter of Our Trouble".
- February 28 - (100 years old) to Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman (1922-1993) Proceedings: "Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: Biography of a Writer", "Conversations on Russian Culture", "The Creation of Karamzin".
In March 2022, such literary figures will have round dates:
- March 1 - (130 years old) Ryunosuke Akutagawa (1892-1927). Works: "Rashomon Gate", "General", "Torment of Hell".
- March 7 - (100 years old) Dmitry Gavrilovich Sergeev (1922-2000). Works: "Behind the Front", "Taiga Holidays", "Dolomite Gorge". Adventure books about geologists "The Mystery of the Great Path", "Bonfires in the Taiga", "Safety margin".
- March 11 - (70 years old) Douglas Noel Adams (1952-2001). Works: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Dirk Gently's Detective Agency.
- March 13 - (85 years old) Vladimir Semyonovich Makanin (1937-2017). Works: "Straight Line", "Underground, or a Hero of Our Time", "Asan".
- March 15 - (85 years old) to Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin (1937-2015). Works: "Live and Remember", "Farewell to Matera", "French Lessons".
- March 18 - (90 years old) John Updike (1932-2009). Works: "Eastwick Witches", "Centaur", "Fair in the Almshouse".
- March 18 - (85 years old) Barbra Lindgren (b. 1937). Works: "Loranga, Mazarin and Dartanyan", "Mattias and his friends", "Oh you, Borka!"
- March 23 - (120 years old) to Alexei Kuzmich Yugov (1902-1979). Works: "Brave Heart", "Warlords", translation and commentary on "The Lay of Igor's Host".
- March 23 - (135 years old) to Josef Czapek (1887-1945). Works: "Inscribed on Clouds", "The Adventures of a Dog and a Kitty."
- March 24 - (140 years old) to Alexei Silych Novikov-Pryboy (1877-1944). Works: "Sea stories", "Submariners", "Tsushima".
- March 24 - (115 years old) Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya (1907-1996). Works: "Notes about Anna Akhmatova", "Memory of Childhood", "Sofya Petrovna".
- March 28 - (430 years old) to Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670). Works: "Labyrinth of Light and Heaven of the Heart", "The World of Sensual Things in Pictures", "Rules of Conduct Collected for Young People in 1653"
- March 29 - (120 years old) to Marcel Aimé (1902-1967). Fairy tales for children: "Adventures with exaggerations", "Tales of the cat Purr", "Amazing stories from the life of Dolphins and Marinette."
- March 31 - (140 years old) Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882-1969). Works: "Aibolit", "Moidodyr", "Fly-Tsokotukha", translations: D. Greenwood "Little ragamuffin"; Defoe D. "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe"; Rabelais F. "Gargantua and Pantagruel"; Raspe R. "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen".
- March 31 - (200 years old) Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich (1822-1900). Works: "Anton the Wretched", "Village", "Gutta-Percha Boy".
- March 31 - (135 years old) Elizaveta Ivanovna Vasilyeva (1887-1928). The story "The Man from the Moon", a collection of plays "Theater for Children".
In the middle of spring 2022, the following writers will celebrate round dates:
- April 1 - (100 years old) Sergei Petrovich Alekseev (1922-2008). Works: "Battle of Borodino", "There is a people's war", "Stories from Russian history".
- April 1 - (325 years old) Antoine Francois Prévost (1697-1763). Works: "History of the Chevalier des Grieux and Manon Lescaut", "The story of a Greek woman."
- April 3 - (90 years old) Mikhail Filippovich Shatrov (1932-2010). Works: "Further … further … further", "Dictatorship of conscience."
- April 6 - (210 years old) to Alexander Ivanovich Herzen (1812-1870). Works: "Past and Thoughts", "Doctor Krupov", "Who is to blame?"
- April 9 - (120 years old) Olga Vasilievna Perovskaya (1902-1961). Works: "Marmotka", "Guys and Animals", "Vaska the Tiger".
- April 10 - (205 years old) to Konstantin Sergeevich Aksakov (1817-1860). The work "My Lizochek".
- April 10 - (95 years old) Vily Vladimirovich Lipatov (1927-1979). Works: "And it's all about him", "Village detective", "Igor Savvovich."
- April 10 - (85 years old) Bella Akhatovna Akhmadulina (1937-2010). Collections of poems: "Beautiful features of my friends", "A moment of being", "Contemplation of a glass ball".
- April 12 - (105 years old) to Alexander Ivanovich Shalimov (1917-1991). Works: "Dinosaur Hunters", "The Mystery of the Thundering Cleft", "Relay of the Mind".
- April 15 - (190 years old) to Wilhelm Busch (1832-1908). Works: "Stories for Children in Poems and Pictures", "Max and Moritz", "Plikh and Splash".
- April 15 - (95 years old) to Yuri Mikhailovich Druzhkov (1927-1983). Works: "The Magic School of Pencil and Samodelkin", "The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin".
- April 19 - (120 years old) Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin (1903-1989). Works: "Two Captains", "Open Book"; fairy tales: "Light steps", "Nemukhin musicians", "Hourglass".
- April 22 - (115 years old) to Ivan Antonovich Efremov (1907-1972). Works: "Andromeda Nebula", "Hour of the Bull", "Thais of Athens"
- April 28 - (120 years old) Valentina Alexandrovna Oseeva (1902-1969). Works: "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades", "Dinka", "Kind hostess"
- April 28 - (115 years old) Zoya Ivanovna Voskresenskaya (1907-1992). Works: "A Girl in a Stormy Sea", "Consul", "Now I can tell the truth: from the memoirs of a scout."
In the last month of spring 2022, we will remember the following famous writers on the anniversary:
- May 2 - (120 years old) to Alan Marshal (1902-1984). Works: "Tell me about a turkey, Joe", "Whisper in the wind", "I can jump over puddles."
- May 3 - (70 years old) Tatiana Nikitichna Tolstoy (b. 1951). Works: "Kys", "The same ABC of Buratino", "They sat on the golden porch."
- May 4 - (250 years old) Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus (1772-1823), founder of the encyclopedic publishing house.
- May 10 - (90 years old) Galina Nikolaevna Shcherbakova (1932-2010). Works: "You never dreamed of", "The door to someone else's life", "Uncle Chlor and Koryakin."
- May 12 - (210 years old) Edward Lear (1812-1888). Works: "The Book of Nonsense", "Horseback Ride and Other Poems", "Seven Families from Lake Popil-Poel", "A Whole Volume of Nonsense".
- May 12 - (80 years old) Barry Brooks Longyear (b.1942). Works: "My Enemy", "Circus World" trilogy, "City of Barabu", "Song of the Elephant".
- May 13 - (85 years old) to Roger Joseph Zelazny (1937-1995). Works: "Prince of Light", "Isle of the Dead", "Creator of Dreams".
- May 16 - (135 years old) to Igor Severyanin (1887-1941). Works: "Resounding Speeches", "Classic Roses", "Nightingale".
- May 21 - (150 years old) Nadezhda Alexandrovna Teffi (1872-1952). Works: "A House Without Fire", "Unliving Beast", "Mischievous Stories".
- May 27 - (80 years old) to Andrei Georgievich Bitov (1937-2018). Works: "The Big Ball", "Subtraction of a Hare", "Pushkin House".
- May 28 - (135 years old) Maximilian Alexandrovich Voloshin (1877-1932). Works: poetry collection "The Burning Bush", a collection of art history and critical articles "Faces of Creativity", a book of essays "Contemporary".
- May 29 - (235 years old) Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkov (1787-1855). Works: "Arbor of the Muses", "My Penates".
- May 29 - (125 years old) Nikolai Nikolaevich Plavilshchikov (1892-1962). Works: "Homunculus", "Entertaining entomology", "Missing link", "Keys to insects".
- May 30 - (130 years old) to Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov (1892-1975). Works: "Year in the Forest", "Hare's Tears", "Sounds of the Earth".
- May 30 - (110 years old) Lev Ivanovich Oshanin (1912-1996). Works: "Roads", "Let there always be sun", "The Volga flows".
- May 31 - (130 years old) Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892-1968). Works: "Golden Rose", "The Tale of the Forests", "Steel Ring".
In June 2022, the following world famous writers and poets will be anniversaries:
- June 2 - (85 years old) Yunna Petrovna Moritz (b. 1937). Works: "A Big Secret for a Small Company", "The Roof Was Going Home", "Tumber-Bumber".
- June 2 - (90 years old) to Yaroslav Kirillovich Golovanov (1932-2003). Works: "The road to the cosmodrome", "Korolev. Facts and Myths ”,“ Studies on Scientists ”.
- June 7 - (70 years old) Elena Vasilievna Gabova (b. 1952). Works: "Do not get up from your left foot", "Nobody saw the redhead", "Tykin's secret".
- June 9 - (95 years old) to Georgy Alexandrovich Ball (1927-2011). Works: "The City of Zhur-Zhur", "The Adventures of the Old Shoe", Told by Himself "," The Silver Bear ".
- June 15 - (155 years old) to Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont (1313-1375).
- June 18 - (210 years old) to Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov (1812-1891). Works: "Oblomov", "Break", "An Ordinary History".
- June 20 - (85 years old) to Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky (1932-1994). Works: "Aleshkin's thoughts", "For that guy", "Huge sky".
- June 21 - (225 years old) to Wilhelm Karlovich Kuchelbecker (1797-1846). Works: "The Death of Byron", "The Fate of Russian Poets".
- June 22 - (115 years old) to Andrey Sergeevich Nekrasov (1907-1987). Works: "On the sea-ocean", "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel", "Tales of the North and South".
- June 26 - (100 years old) Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev (1922-1996). Works: "He was a real trumpet player", "Faithful friend", "Twelve stories".
- June 26 - (115 years old) to Arseny Alexandrovich Tarkovsky (1907-1989). Works: "White Day", "Blessed Light", "Winter Day", "Before the Snow".
- June 28 - (310 years old) Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). Works: "Letter to d'Alembert", "Discourse on the arts and sciences."
In July, such literary figures will have round dates:
- July 2 - (145 years old) to Hermann Hesse (1877-1962). Works: "The Glass Bead Game", "Steppenwolf".
- July 6 - (145 years old) Alexei Mikhailovich Remizov (1877-1957). Works: "Swirling Russia", "Wrinkle", "Salting".
- July 7 - (115 years old) Robert Anson Highline (1907-1988). Works: Citizen of the Galaxy, Red Planet, Rocket Ship Galileo.
- July 10 - (230 years old) Frederick Joseph Marriete (1792-1848). Works: "Little Savage", "Warrant Officer Quiet", "The Adventures of Peter Simpl".
- July 11 - (85 years old) Leonid Lvovich Yakhnin (1937-2018). Works: "Polite Words", "The House We Live In", "Square of Cardboard Clock"; translations: Hoffman E. T. A. "The Nutcracker"; M. Maeterlink "Blue Bird"; Rede P. "Walk with the Dragon"
- July 13 - (155 years old) to Nikolai Alexandrovich Rubakin (1862-1946). Works: "The psychology of the reader and the book", "Among the books", "Studies of the Russian reading public".
- July 18 - (145 years old) to Elina Pelin (1877-1949). Works: "The Tale of the Turkey", "Yan Bibiyan.
- July 18 - (115 years old) to Varlam Tikhonovich Shalaov (1907-1982). Works: "The Resurrection of the Larch", "Kolyma Tales", "Left Bank".
- July 23 - (230 years old) to Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky (1792-1878). Works: "Road Duma", "Notebook", "Aesthetics and Literary Criticism".
- July 24 - (220 years old) Alexandru Dumas (1802-1870). Works: "The Count of Monte Cristo", "Queen Margot", "The Three Musketeers".
- July 26 - (125 years old) to Paul William (William) Galliko (1897-1976). Works: "Silent Meow", "Poseidon", "Thomasina".
- July 28 - (200 years old) to Apollo Alexandrovich Grigoriev (1822-1864). Works: "You were born to torment me", "Prayer", "Gypsy Hungarian"
- July 28 - (100 years old) Vladimir Vasilyevich Karpov (1922-2010). Works: "Twenty-four hours from the life of a scout", "The executed marshals", "Ce la vie … Such is life"
In the last month of the summer of 2022, we will celebrate the following writers of the anniversary:
- August 1 - (125 years old) Mikhail Leonidovich Slonimsky (1897-1972). Works: "Tomorrow: Prose, Memories", "Sixth Rifle".
- August 2 - (85 years old) Vladimir Konstantinovich Arro (born 1932). Works: "Bananas and Lemons", "My Old House", "Chizh-Korolevich".
- August 4 - (230 years old) Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822).
- August 8 - (65 years old) Yustein Gorder (b. 1952). Works: "Orange Girl", "The World of Sofia", "Christmas Mystery".
- August 8 - (85 years old) Igor Markovich Efimov (1937-2020). Works: "Explosions in the classroom", "Plus, Minus and Timosha", "Tauride Garden".
- August 8 - (95 years old) to Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov (1927-1982). Works: "Arcturus - a hound dog", "Where summer and winter meet", "Greedy Chick and Vaska the cat".
- August 9 - (95 years old) Daniel Keyes (1927-2014). Works: "The Mysterious Story of Billy Miligan", "Flowers for Algernon".
- August 10 - (110 years old) Georges Amadou (1912-2001). Works: "Generals of Sand Quarries" ("Captains of the Sand"), "Shop of Miracles".
- August 11 - (125 years old) Enid Mary Blyton (1897-1968). Works: "The Magnificent Five on Treasure Island", "The Famous Duck Tim", "Secrets of the Secret Seven".
- August 12 - (75 years old) Bianca Pitzorno (b. 1942). Works: "House on the tree", "When we were little", "Listen to my heart", "The amazing story of Polisena Porosello."
- August 14 - (155) John Galsworthy (1867-1933). Works: "The Forsyte Saga", "Apple Blossom", "The Man from Devon".
- August 19 - (85 years old) Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov (1937-1972). Works: "Farewell in June", "Elder Son", "Duck Hunt".
- August 20 - (90 years old) to Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov (1932-2009). Works: "Oranges from Morocco", "Star Ticket", "My Grandfather is a Monument", "A Chest in which Something Knocks"
- August 20 - (100 years old) to Joseph Ivanovich Dick (1922-1984). Works: "Fiery Stream"; collections: "In the wilds of Kara-Bumba", "Iron Will", "Goat in a helicopter", "Solar spark".
- August 20 - (195 years old) Charles Theodore Henri de Coster (1827-1879). Works: "The Legend of Ulenspiegel and Lamma Gudzak", "Flemish Legends".
- August 21 - (160 years old) Emilio Salgari (1862-1911). Works: "In the Wilds of Borneo", "The Treasure of the Blue Mountains", "Man of Fire".
- August 24 - (90 years old) Genevieve Yurier (b. 1927). Works: "Adventures in the air", "Little bunny adonis and a baobab", "Sailing trip".
- August 26 - (90 years old) Lijie Bozhungi Nunez (born 1932). Works: "Angelica", "House of the Godmother", "Friends".
- August 29 - (160 years old) Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949). Works: "Joiselle", "Mind of Flowers", "Blue Bird".
- August 30 - (110 years old) to Vitaly Georgievich Gubarev (1912-1981). Works: "In the distant kingdom", "Kingdom of crooked mirrors", "Island of pirates".
- August 30 - (220 years old) Mary Wollstonecraft Shellm (1797-1851). Works: "Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus".
In September 2022 we will celebrate the anniversaries of such writers and poets:
- September 3 - (100 years old) Ales (Alexander) Mikhailovich Adamovich (1927-1994). Works: "The Blockade Book", "The Last Pastoral", "Khatyn Story".
- September 5 - (205 years old) to Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy (1817-1875). Works: "Prince of Silver", "My Bells …: poems", "Oh, let me go again, Creator, to earth …: poems about God."
- September 6 - (85 years old) Gennady Fedorovich Shpalikov (1937-1974). He wrote collections of poems: "White-white steamer", "I lived as I lived"; as well as scripts for feature films and cartoons: "Ilyich's Outpost", "Glass Harmonica", "I Walk Through Moscow".
- September 10 - (150 years old) to Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev (1872-1930). Works: "Meetings in the taiga", "Dersu Uzala", "Across the Ussuri region".
- September 11 - (160 years old) O. Henry (1862-1910). Works: "The Leader of the Redskins", "Gif.webpts of the Magi", "Kings and Cabbage".
- September 11 - (140 years old) to Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov (1882-1938). Works: "Sea stories", "Stories about animals", "What happened", "What I saw."
- September 14 - (205 years old) Theodore Storm (1817-1888). Works: "Missing One", "Rider on a White Horse", "Daughter of a Puppet Comedian".
- September 17 - (165 years old) Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935). Works: "Outside the Earth", "On the Moon".
- September 21 - (75 years old) Stephen Edwin King (b. 1947). Works: "Igniting with a glance", "Heart in Atlantis", "Radiance".
- September 25 - (230 years old) to Ivan Ivanovich Lazhechnikov (1792-1869). Works: "Basurman", "Ice House", "Last Novik".
- September 26 - (90 years old) Vladimir Nikolaevich Voinovich (1932-2018). Works: "Life and Extraordinary Adventures of the Soldier Ivan Chonkin", "Monumental Propaganda" "Moscow 2042".
- September 29 - (205 years old) to Alexander Vasilyevich Sukhovo-Kobylin (1817-1903). Works: "Krechinsky's Wedding".
- September 30 - (155 years old) Maria Lvovna Tolmacheva (1867-1942). Works: "How Vasya lived alone in the city", "How Tasya lived"; revised for children: Defoe D. "The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe".
In the middle of autumn, the birthday people will be:
- October 4 - (175 years old) Louis Henri Boussinard (1847-1910).Works: "The Blue Man", "Captain Rip Head", "The Diamond Thieves".
- October 8 - (130 years old) Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva (1892-1941). Collections of poems: "Evening Album", "Magic Lantern", "Swan Camp"; essay "My Pushkin".
- October 9 - (475 years old) Miguel de Cervantes Saavedre (1547-1616). Works: Galatea, Don Quixote, Beautiful Spanish Woman.
- October 15 - (125 years old) Ilya Ilf (1897-1937). Works: "Twelve Chairs", "Golden Calf".
- October 23 - (90 years old) to Vasily Ivanovich Belov (1932-2012). Works: "Eves", "Carpentry stories", "Stories about all living creatures."
- October 31 - (90 years old) Katherine Paterson (born 1932). Works: The Magnificent Gilly Hopkins, I Loved Jacob, The Bridge to Theravithia.
- October 31 - (120 years old) to Evgeny Andreevich Permyak (1902-1982). Works: "Magic colors", "In all the colors of the rainbow", "Commemorative knots".
At the end of autumn, such famous literary figures will be celebrated as:
- November 3 - (220 years old) Alexander Alexandrovich Bestuzhev-Marlinsky (1797-1837). Works: "Castle Neuhausen", "A Novel in Seven Letters", "Frigate" Hope "
- November 3 - (135 years old) to Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964). Works: "That's how absent-minded", "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse", "Circus"; translations: R. Burns "Lyrics"; Bush V. "Plikh and Splash"; Shakespeare V. "Sonnets".
- November 6 - (170 years old) Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak (1852-1912). Works: "Alenushkin's Tales", "Emelya the Hunter", "Winter on Studenaya", "Gray Neck".
- November 7 - (95 years old) Anatoly Nikolaevich Tomilin (1927-2015). Works: "Heroes and Knights: Children's Military Encyclopedia", "Interesting About Astronomy", "How People Discovered Their Earth", "Generals and Conquerors: Children's Military Encyclopedia".
- November 10 - (155 years old) to Nikolai Dmitrievich Teleshov (1867-1957). Works: "White Heron", "Krupenichka" "Fern Flower".
- November 11 - (95 years old) to Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007). Works: Slaughterhouse Five, or Children's Crusade, Cat's Cradle, Tom Edison's Shaggy Dog.
- November 14 - (115 years old) Astrid Anne Emilia Lindgren (1907-2002). Works: "Mio, my Mio!"
- November 20 - (85 years old) Viktoria Samoilovna Tokareva (b. 1937). Collections: "Flying Swing", "Cat on the Road", "Between Heaven and Earth", script for the films "Gentlemen of Fortune", "Literature Lesson".
- November 25 - (460 years old) to Felix Lope de Vega and Carpio (1562-1635). Works: "Star of Seville", "Dog in the Manger", "Dance Teacher".
- November 27 - (75 years old) Grigory Bentsionovich Oster (b. 1947). Works: "Harmful advice", "Exercise for the tail", "A book about tasty and healthy food for a cannibal."
- November 28 - (age 265) William Blake (1757-1827), who wrote Songs of Innocence and Experience.
- November 29 - (220 years old) to Wilhelm Hauf (1802-1827). Works: "Caliph-Stork", "Dwarf Nose", "Little Muk", "Cold Heart".
- November 30 - (355 years old) to Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), who wrote The Travels of Lemuel Gulliver.
In the first month of winter 2022, the following writers will be anniversaries:
- December 3 - (115 years old) Zinaida Nikolaevna Alexandrova (1907-1983). Works: "Herringbone", "Five from one star", "Funny little men".
- December 4 - (140 years old) to Yakov Isidorovich Perelman (1882-1942). Works: "Entertaining Algebra", "Entertaining Geometry", "Entertaining Mechanics", "Entertaining Problems and Experiments".
- December 7 - (95 years old) Dmitry Mikhailovich Balashov (1927-2000). Works: "Mister Veliky Novgorod", "Sovereigns of Moscow", "Kulikovo field".
- December 8 - (190 years old) Björnstierne Martinius Björnson (1832-1910). Works: "Glove", "Prankster", "Fisherman".
- December 13 - (225 years old) Christian Johann Heinrich Heine (1797-1856). Collections of poems: "Book of Songs", "Romancero".
- December 16 - (105 years old) to Arthur Charles Clark (1917-2008). Works: "The End of Childhood", "A Space Odyssey of 2001", "Dolphin Island".
- December 21 - (105 years old) Heinrich Theodor Böll (1917-1985). Works: "Through the Eyes of a Clown", "House without a Master", "Irish Diary".
- December 22 - (85 years old) Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky (1937-2018). Works: "Down the Magic River", "Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat", "Gingerbread Man Follows the Trail", "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends".
Read also:
- Composers' anniversaries in 2022
- Anniversaries and significant events in 2022
- 2022 of what animal according to the eastern calendar