2022 widow or widower

When planning to start a wedding, young people consult with their parents, folk traditions and astrologers. It turns out that there are unfavorable periods for creating bonds. Why is 2021 a widow? Beliefs warn the spouses about a difficult lonely lot. The celebration will make a noise and become a thing of the past. And the newlyweds will face a terrible tragedy. According to superstition, one will die, and the second will plunge into terrible sadness.

Where did the belief about the widow's year come from?

Signs do not arise on real ground. The people create a clear rule based on long-term observations, comparisons, stories. The widow is associated with a leap year (this is 2020). It's believed that:

  1. The next period imposes a widow's stamp on a woman. A difficult family story awaits her - to lose her lover in her youth.
  2. The second after the leap is the widower. The husband, not having time to enjoy love, must bury the half.

According to legend, the tradition was born at the dawn of the millennium. Once Christ was asked to help pull out a cart stuck in the mud. The Savior called Kasyan, his companion and disciple, to help. He turned out to be. Nicholas the Wonderworker volunteered to free the wheel.

On that and decided. And Jesus told the companions that they would be remembered for their deeds:

  1. Kasyana- once every four years. Since then, the leap year has been called by his name.
  2. Nicholas - twice annually

When is International Widows Day?

In reality, on June 23 of every year, since 2011, the International Widows Day, established by the United Nations, is held to draw attention to the 250 million women who have become widows as a result of ongoing military conflicts around the world. 46% of women became widows at a young age and are doomed to a miserable existence. They raise children in war. Therefore, the UN decided to involve the world community in solving the problems of millions of widows and their children.

The unofficial day of widows became widespread on the basis of the fact that in the first year after a leap year, events often occur that involve numerous human sacrifices, as a result of which women remain widows. Indeed, you can list many wars, revolutions, catastrophes that occurred in the first year after a leap year. For example, there have been many such events in the modern history of Russia and its neighbors. As a result of the Revolution of 1905, 9 thousand political murders took place, 4 thousand people died and 10 thousand were wounded. in Jewish pogroms, during the suppression of anti-government protests, thousands of demonstrators were killed and wounded. In 1917, the 1st World War continues, 9.45 million people participate in the active Russian army, the February Revolution begins, then the October Revolution, the Russian Empire is liquidated, the number of victims is in the millions. In 1937 - as a result of "Yezhovism", 1 million people died in the Gulag and were shot. In 1941, the war between the USSR and Nazi Germany began, in 6 months of this year the Red Army lost 100 out of 170 divisions, from the German side 190 divisions took part in the battles, which lost 100 thousand people. In 1945, the Americans dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing 246 thousand people. In 1965, the United States launched Operation Rolling Thunder against Vietnam, the USSR and China took the side of Vietnam in this war - in the war that stretched out until 1975, American losses amounted to 360 thousand people. killed and wounded, 150 thousand people committed suicide after the war, Vietnam lost 1.1 million troops and guerrillas and 2 million civilians. But statistics do not confirm that the number of victims in the first year after a leap year exceeds the number of victims in other years.

Years of a widow: 2001; 2005; 2009; 2013; 2017; 2021; 2025; 2029; 2033; 2037; 2041; 2045; 2049; 2053; 2057; 2061; 2065.

Years of a widower: 2002; 2006; 2010; 2014; 2018; 2022; 2026; 2030; 2034; 2038; 2042; 2046; 2050; 2054; 2058; 2062; 2066.

Signs of the year of a widower, the second year after a leap year, predict that a man may become a widower as a result of the woman's premature death or lose hope for marital happiness as a result of the breakdown of the family.If the signs of the widow's year have many supporting examples, then the signs of the widower's year have no evidence.

One gets the impression that there is a secret sect of inveterate bachelors, inventing annual reasons that scare off supporters to start a family. For example, if we take into account all the existing beliefs that from 2004 to 2041, it will be possible to marry only in 2038, provided that it will be possible to stand in line at the registry office. In all other years, it is extremely dangerous to get married. except for leap years and years of a widow and a widower, during this period there will still be years of cuckold, childlessness, divorce, traitor, a damn dozen, lack of money, black mother-in-law, abortions, quarrels between spouses, pigs (obesity), birth down, having many children, bitch, alcoholic , workaholic, evil eye, impotent, betrayal, ungrateful descendants, jealousy, senile insanity. Among these years, which only the most desperate extreme lovers can cause a desire to tempt fate, the most attractive are the years of Apfilturia (such a name will have to be given to the born son), unconventional (same-sex marriages), astronauts (the husband will go on a long space journey) and the stranger (marriage only with the first comer).

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