The academic year 2021-2022 is ahead, which means it's time to ask when your school will have autumn holidays, as well as how the periods of rest in the educational systems for quarters and trimesters will differ.
What will the upcoming school year be like?
On average, the standard school year in schools lasts between 33 and 35 weeks. In all educational institutions of the Russian Federation, studies begin on the Day of Knowledge (September 1). The holiday date of the Last Call may vary, but most often it is May 25.
The number of study weeks differs slightly from class to class:
- for first graders, the year lasts 33 weeks, because they have an additional February rest;
- for the bulk of students - 24 weeks;
- for graduation classes - up to 37 weeks, taking into account the June period of the OGE and USE.
Before talking about when the autumn holidays will take place at a particular school, it is worth finding out what system your educational institution uses in 2021-2022.
Today, two systems are used in the Russian Federation:
- semester (old) - the year consists of 2 semesters or 4 quarters;
- trimester (new) - the year consists of 3 trimesters or 6 modules.
Accordingly, the number of vacation periods in these two schedules will be different. In the 2021-2022 academic year, only 4 periods of rest will be determined for pupils of schools working in the quarter system (5 for 1st grades):
- in the fall (from October 25 to October 31);
- in winter (from December 27 to January 09);
- in spring (from March 21 to March 27);
- in summer (from May 26 to August 31);
- additional February for 1st class. (from February 07 to February 13).
Institutions that have adopted the trimester system as a basis will be the first to go on autumn holidays in 2021-2022, and for the whole year, students of such schools will have a rest as many as 6 times:
- 2 times in the fall (04.10.21 - 10.10.21 and 15.11.21 - 21.11.21);
- 2 times in winter (12/27/21 - 01/09/22 and 02/14/22 - 02/20/22);
- 1 time in spring (04/04/22 - 04/10/22);
- 1 time in the summer (05/26/22 - 08/31/22).
It is worth noting that the winter and summer periods of rest in the quarter and trimester systems practically coincide, while the dates of the autumn and spring holidays of the 2021-2022 academic year will differ significantly.
Dates in semesters (quarters)
The recommended dates for the autumn holidays 2021-2022 for the semester system are 10/25/21 - 10/31/21.
The first quarter of the 2021-2022 academic year will last 8 weeks, from 09/01/21 to 10/24/21. Accordingly, the last working day of the 1st quarter for schools with 5 days will be Friday 22 October, and for schools with 6 days - Saturday 23 October.
The second quarter will start on Monday, November 1 and will also last 8 weeks, until 12/26/21.
Important! Many regions set different dates for the autumn holidays, and the 2021-2022 academic year will be no exception. For the exact dates set for your region and your school, see the official LEA portal or school website.
According to the norms, the dates of vacations set before the start of the school year can be shifted in any direction, but not more than 2 weeks. In this case, the rest period for students must begin on Monday and total at least seven days.
There can be many reasons for shifting dates:
- climatic features of the region;
- the influence of the timing of the start-up of the heating system;
- quarantine restrictions, etc.
Dates in terms of trimesters (modules)
The recommended dates for the autumn holidays 2021-2022 for the trimester (modular) system are from 10/04/21 to 10/10/21, as well as from 11/15/21 to 11/21/21.
Thus, the 1st trimester will total 10 weeks, divided into 2 modules of 5 weeks each:
- 1 module - from September 1 to October 3;
- Module 2 - from October 11 to November 14.
Unlike the previous version, they should not postpone the autumn holidays of the 2021-2022 academic year in the modular system, since the working periods are short enough, and any transfer can significantly affect the educational process.
At the same time, parents should remember such important nuances:
- leaving for the 1st vacation, the students do not complete the block of training, which means that it is impossible to forget everything that was taught earlier;
- the week of rest at school may not coincide with the dates in other educational institutions;
- school circles and sections during the holidays continue their work and, if desired, the child can attend them.
Since the dates of vacation periods for educational institutions in Russia are not legally fixed, all schools can independently draw up a work schedule, taking into account the specifics of the educational process. This means that only your class teacher or your school administration representative will be able to give an accurate answer to the question of when your son and daughter will have their first autumn holidays in 2021-2022.
As a rule, the dates of school and vacation periods are announced to parents and posted on the school's website even before the start of the school year. If the need to postpone the holidays arises, the information is also promptly brought to the knowledge of the team and parents (ideally, in advance, if we are not talking about force majeure).
If the postponement of the dates was due to force majeure, and the parents already have prepaid vouchers (hotel and flight reservations) for the child's health, then most leaders meet families halfway, solving all the issues that arise on an individual basis, and do not prevent the absence of children for lessons during the period of the previously planned vacation.
Read also:
- OGE in 2022: compulsory subjects, changes
- Summer vacation 2022 academic year
- Winter holidays 2021-2022 academic year