Spring Break 2022 Academic Year - for schoolchildren, dates when they will be in spring

The quarantine restrictions last year significantly changed the working hours of schools last year, and all participants in the educational process want to know what school holidays will be in the 2021-2022 academic year in Russia and what changes are possible in the working hours of schools in which they study in quarters and in trimesters.

General rules

Regardless of the form of ownership and the system by which an educational institution operates, the administration must adhere to a number of basic norms when drawing up a work schedule.

The basic rules common to all schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are:

  • any school holidays must start on Monday, and 2021-2022 will be no exception;
  • the duration of the rest period cannot be less than 7 days (including weekends);
  • all holidays of the school year (except summer) must provide students with at least 30 days of rest;
  • in summer, schoolchildren must rest for at least 2 months (practices or exams may be scheduled in June);
  • The postponement of dates is allowed for no more than 2 weeks (in either direction from the dates originally set in the school schedule) with mandatory notification of all participants in the educational process (teachers, children, parents).

Important! Schools are endowed with a certain autonomy in the organization of the educational process, therefore, in different educational institutions of Russia, vacations for schoolchildren in 2021-2022 may begin on different dates.

Is it possible to shift the schedule of school holidays

At the discretion of school administrations and only in agreement with the pedagogical committee, as well as members of the parent committee, educational institutions are entitled to deviate from the schedule adopted by the Ministry of Education. The fact is that it is advisory in nature.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that for a shift in the rest period (and it can differ from a certain schedule by only 2-3 days), there must be a good reason. For example, this should be required by the specifics of the educational process.

In the aggregate, the period of rest of children should not differ from that approved by the specialists of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Can spring break be canceled due to distance learning?

For quite a long time in the academic year, schoolchildren took lessons remotely. Because of this, parents and children themselves are worried that the Ministry of Education or the administration of an educational institution may cancel or shorten vacations. According to the ministry, they will not do this, because they understand that the children need rest. They need to gain strength to finish the school year with good grades. To clarify exactly when the holidays begin and end, you can contact the class teacher or representatives of the administration of your educational institution.

Semester system

The classical system of organizing the educational process, established for decades, in which the year is divided into 4 parts (quarters), which are combined in pairs into semesters.

In 2021-2022, in a school that works in quarters, the holidays will be arranged in the calendar as follows:

I quarter 01.09.21 - 24.09.21
Autumn 25.10.21 - 31.10.21
II quarter 01.11.21 - 26.12.21
Winter 27.12.21 - 09.01.22
ІІІ quarter 10.01.22 - 20.03.22
Spring 21.03.22 - 27.03.22
IV quarter 28.03.22 - 25.05.22

Spring In the 3rd quarter of students who are unlucky with the February week of rest, two periods of big holidays and additional weekends await at once:

  • on February 23 - it is possible that the Government will approve transfers for a longer rest;
  • on March 8 - from 03/05/22 to 03/08/22.

Spring break in 2021-2022 for schoolchildren is scheduled from 04/21/22 to 04/17/22.The fourth quarter will end with the last bell, which is traditionally scheduled for May 25, 2022. The start of spring break largely depends on the training system.For example, in schools where quarters are practiced, rest will begin at one time, and where the educational process is divided into quarters, semesters and trimesters, at another. Those who study in quarters, on the recommendation of the relevant ministry, must go on vacation on Monday, March 21st. Education will resume on March 28 for those who study in quarters. Duration of Spring Break In accordance with Russian law, spring break cannot be shorter than seven days. If we consider that the week of rest is still preceded by two days off, it turns out that in total students will be able to rest from lessons for nine days. Note that after a full spring break, there will be another small rest in May on the occasion of the holidays. How to determine the dates of vacations for schoolchildren At the moment, there is no information on how schoolchildren will have a rest in the next academic year. Detailed information about the schedule of lessons and the schedule of rest for children will appear only at the beginning. This is provided for by the law "On Education." Parents have the right to change the dates of rest of schoolchildren, but for this there must be good reasons, with which the management of the educational institution cannot disagree. In this case, a statement is prepared in the name of the principal, supported by the signatures of most of the parents. When changing the dates of rest, the chief official of the school adheres to the established standards:

  • the minimum time for rest should not be less than 7 days;
  • the transfer of the dates of the holidays is possible, but no later than two weeks from the official start date of the holidays in the region;
  • compulsory compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

In general, it is beneficial for the school to adhere to the established framework for student rest. On such days, there are more opportunities for organizing children's leisure - excursion programs, visits to museums, exhibitions, concerts and other specially organized events.

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